OKAY your favorite blogger is back (jk) with a list of fan casting. I hope you think this is accurate enough comment in the bottom! First of all is Marella. I found this in a different site but it's very good so I'm including it. Her name is Jade Weber
THE ORIGINAL FAN CASTING WAS MADE BY https://truyen4u.net. Next one is Fitz. You might have heard of him his name is Louis Partridge he could make a pretty good Fitz with some contacts. Here is a photo
Drop the moody famous-face change the hair style and use some contacts it's sorta him. It takes getting used to but at the end it's good Next one is Della I thought of THE actress for her. It's........ Drumroll please *drumroll from readers*........................ Emma Watson! Yes, she has freckles (concealer) and brown eyes (contacts) but she's super super talented and if she can pull off Bell then Della is a piece o' cake. Pictures:
Okay I have many more ideas but, like the wonderful Shannon Messenger, I prefer to leave you in the dark. I WILL come back soon so don't you worry (not that you probably are). Okay buh-bye! P.S. I finally got a fandom account! From now i am TheMysteriousMissA


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